Today I wore my plaid swing jacket again to show how versatile it can be. In my other post I wore it with jeans and made a casual look. Today I wore it with a silk jumper that I picked up for 50% last month. It created a totally different look.

I'm so happy I finally found white tights. I've been looking in so many different stores for a long time and finally found them at Target. Another bonus was they were on clearance for $3.50.
It's something totally new from what I normally try.

It's hard to tell from the picture (as always when I take pictures here) but the jumper has small metal circle detailing which adds a nice touch.

I was looking through all my old jewelry today and came across this old "punk" necklace I used to wear when I was 14. Decided to throw it on for nostalgia's sake. Ha.

Looking at these pictures I don't think I like the belt with this outfit...what do you think?

Slouchy boots and silk jumper - Charlotte Russe
Jacket - Burlington
Tights - Target
Belt - Vintage

And thanks goes out to my lovely boyfriend for snapping this picture of me falling over. Also, a big thank you to him for taking me out to one of my favorite burger joints tonight for some comfort food.
I got a big ol' double cheeseburger. Check out his experience
While I was there, there was a giant gaggle of high schooler's hanging out. A lot of the girls from their group started pointing directly at me and whispering. Some were even saying comments about my outfit out loud. I just laughed it off because they were all wearing flannel sweatpants.
Has anything like that ever happened to you?
P.S. I really hate taking my pictures in front of my bathroom door at night. I'll promise to get some better pictures with better light. Either in my living room or outside. It's hard to get nice pictures outside because of the cold weather here in Rochester!