Thrifted H&M dress, vintage belt, and Aldo Smeal studded sandals.
So, being the forgetful being that I am, I forgot to take my camera to work with me. I had fully intended on bringing it this morning. So crappy camera photos will have to do.
I don't really have anything deep to say today, just kind of a crazy story about this dress.
A year ago (maybe less than that) I saw this dress on sale at H&M (before H&M vacated this area) and was going to buy it, but they didn't have my size. About a month ago, I was at Salvation Army looking around and saw this dress! I immediately remembered it and found out it was my size. It's just crazy luck.
So now it sits happily in my closet with the rest of my dresses.
I hope you have a great weekend. Check out my latest video for another outfit I wore this week: