Wednesday, June 12, 2013


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Thrifted I Heart Ronson blouse, and thrifted 90's shorts.

It was about time that I did something about my crazy medieval-length hair. It was getting so scraggly and unmanageable. It also has been almost a whole year since I had my ombre redone. I was putting it off because I don't have a lot of spending money after opening my store. I ended up doing it at home which was surprisingly super-easy. I made a video about it which should be up soon.
I know ombre is oh-so-trendy right now, but it's my permanent hair style. I just love the life it gives to my one-toned hair. This time I'm actually going to add some crazy streaks to it. I have the blue and purple all ready to go in tomorrow!
YOLO right?

I hope you laughed at the little clip I shared. I spend way too much time on YouTube. Hope you're having a great week and are fast asleep. It's almost 1am! Goodnight!

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