Tuesday Bassen Ugly Girl Gang tank, 90s Calvin Klein shorts, thrifted Mudd cardigan, Five Below sunglasses, and Forever 21 flatforms.
I've been absent for so many months. I'd say I regret it, but I don't. Mostly because this is all my outfits have consisted of for the past six months. A bunch of 1990's garbage that I recycle in different ways.
What prompted this post though was the new addition to my closet: the Ugly Girl Gang tank. It's made by an artist that I've been following for awhile. I love her work and admire her Ugly Girl Gang concept. Here's what she has to say about it:
"The title of my zine “Ugly Girl Gang” has a few meanings. First, it’s about being unconcerned with your physical appearance while kicking ass at what you do. Second, the content of my work focuses on themes of empowerment and revenge through unpleasant, violent, and disagreeable women. I love the duality of “ugly.” Ugly is powerful."
You can read more of the interview here and check out her website here.
I love this idea and am honored to wear this shirt. Being a girl and having "ugly" traits like being obstinate and standing your ground is so important.
It's becoming quite the social experiment wearing it out in public though. A few boys have shouted at me, thinking I'm wearing it for some kind of validation from them - I'm not.
Maybe they think I'm fishing for compliments when in reality I don't give a shit what they think.
Maybe they think I'll talk to them if they yell at me? I don't know.
One sweet middle aged man said to me: "That's not true, you're not ugly."
And I laughed. It was innocent and kind.
See boys? Take notes. You don't have to be a creep to be sweet.
On that note, I'll leave you with my favorite female anthem of the moment:
Morgan, I just stumbled upon your blog searching for bloggers in the upstate NY area. And I think you are fabulous! I love your style and your amazing attitude! I hope you pick up blogging more frequently again...but my reasons are purely selfish (I just want to see and read more)...have a fabulous day!